The Little Life (SVH 13) Book 2 Canto 4

Episode 13 June 04, 2023 01:03:47
The Little Life (SVH 13) Book 2 Canto 4
Alok Pandey on Savitri in Hindi
The Little Life (SVH 13) Book 2 Canto 4

Jun 04 2023 | 01:03:47


Show Notes

This talk by Dr Alok Pandey is a brief summary of Book Two Canto Four.

Aswapati has seen the origin of Life which is a Breath of Consciousness from the high peaks of Divine Glory and Power. Its Force has entered into Earth to uplift and save matter from the state of inertia and unconsciousness. But to do so it must first accept the conditions and limits imposed by Matter. Thus life becomes something limited, limited in joy, limited in power, limited in consciousness. This limited life, small in its scope, a symbol of littleness and incapacity here upon earth, is being described here through revealing forms that hold its force and their limited play.

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