This talk is a summary of Book Two Canto Eleven of Savitri. Aswapati now leaves the limits of the labouring little mind and enters into a wider and more luminous domain. Here he experiences a change in the functioning of the mind and its means of knowing and understanding. This realm is also called as the spiritual mind or simply the spiritual realm. Many mistake it for the highest reality and stop here. The action and workings of this realm or realms of a greater Mind are being described here.
This talk is focused on Book Two Canto Nine of Savitri. Here Aswapati is moving through the Paradise of Life-Gods. It is the state...
This talk is based on Book Two Canto Seven of Savitri. Aswapati has seen that there is the seed of a divine possibility in...
Savitri Book Seven: The Book of Yoga, Canto I: The Joy of Union; the Ordeal of the Foreknowledge of Death and the Heart’s Grief...